I'm not sure this will actually make sense, as I am exhausted to the point of not being able to sleep.
1. Facebook stalk - Learn something new about someone you never knew before! It's actually quite educational.
2. Write a haiku. I have done so:
My room is quite dark.
I'm feeling rather peckish.
I want my slippers.
3. Look up random words on the internet. I have learned five (FIVE!) new words. They are as follows:
- absquatulate: verb to leave hurriedly, suddenly, or secretly.
- fantod: (FAN-tod) noun 1. A state of nervous anxiety, irritability, the willies, the fidgets. 2. A fit or emotional outburst.
- risibility: the inclination to laugh
- mumpsimus (MUMP-suh-muhs) noun 1. Adherence to or persistence in an erroneous use of language, memorization, practice, belief, etc., out of habit or obstinacy. 2. A person who persists in a mistaken expression or practice.
- contesseration: the act of making friends
4. Apparently I can drink 77 cups of coffee before I keel over from a massive caffeine overdose. Go me. Click here to try for yourself.
5. Work this into as many conversations as you can: "Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant!" (Never mind what it actually means.)
6. Look up your name on wikipedia. It gives variations too. Apparently "Alyssa" has 34 variations. My favorite is Lissy. Say it with a lisp. It's way too much fun.
7. Listlessly stumble around the internet. You may find instructions on how to teleport like I did, but not understand a word of it.
8. Construct a giant fort. Crawl into it and pretend you're camping.
9. If you have just finished a semester of school, rejoice in the fact that you may never have to hear the phrase "small potatoes" again. I feel bad for those small potatoes. They didn't ask to be small. Actually, they're quite good when cooked up with garlic and rosemary and ..thyme? I could be completely wrong. I dont even know why I'm talking about cooking potatoes anyway.
10. Go back to facebook and see if you have any notifications. You will not because it is 1 O-fucking-clock in the morning and no one else besides you is awake.
The End.
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