Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween? More Like Fun-o-ween! .... I'm lame.

Hello, friends! I was going for two updates in one month, but I figured that would be excessive. Maybe I'll try it this month. But huzzah! Another update!

However, I regret to announce that, despite what I said in my last post, coffee is no longer a miracle drink. Well, it could be. But the last time I drank some I ended up not falling asleep until 3 AM and having the jitters. The jitters are not fun. I suppose it's my fault for drinking coffee at 8 PM, but there you have it. And then the next day my heart continued to race, and then the next day, and the next, and maybe I was thinking about it too much because I am a freak, but I eventually went to the doctor about it and despite the fact that I may have been imagining the whole damn thing, I got hooked up to a heart monitor.

This is what it looks like. Ooo, very snazzy, you might say. Sleek. New. I bet it's even comfortable!

It's not. Above is a rough approximation of how it's actually hooked up to a human being. Why yes, it IS rather like having a large spider attached to your chest. Not to mention it burned like the fires of a thousand fiery suns when I pulled the damn tape off.

Anyway, after that whole lovely event, I actually had a perfectly lovely weekend where I frolicked and carved a badass pumpkin:

See? Isn't that so freakin badass? I thought so. I found a tutorial online, but by the time I went to carve the pumpkin, all I had was the picture, so basically everything was like, "okay draw... this looks retarded... carve... retarded...oh wait, it actually looks pretty cool." Luckily I had help in the form of one Daniel DeCola, who did all the technical stuff with the sizing of the hole for the gourd and shaving off the skin, which is how the teeth and eyes are more yellowy than orange. I'm pretty sure that if I had done this alone the pumpkin would have actually looked like a five year old child somehow got a hold of a knife and randomly cut shapes out of a pumpkin.

I also went trick or treating, because this is the last time in my life where it will be socially acceptable, or close to socially acceptable. Yes. I am 22 years old and I still consider it socially acceptable for me to be trick or treating. I got a ton of candy, so I'm not complaining. Although I'll probably start complaining once I eat it all, put on 30 lbs, and have all my teeth fall out.

Speaking of candy, I'm probably going to go eat it all now, so let's end on a high note! And by a high note, I mean a high note for me.

"You are good at this" -- What my book editing teacher wrote on my edits for a pro-life, highly conservative, murder mystery manuscript.

Aaand I guess a high note for everyone else too:

It's a puppy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I guess the theme of this is robots. And spandex. ROBOT SPANDEX. Do I have your attention?

It has been two months since I've updated. Well, almost. But it's a friggen long time, especially for one of my friends who has been begging me night and day to update my blog. It's gotten to the point where they can't sleep. Okay maybe that's a lie.

Unfortunately, I do not have any fan fiction reviews, although perhaps I will try to do a couple more (hopefully in this month). Reading reams of bad fan fiction was making my brain literally start to rot and fall out my ears, thereby making me unable to think and also blind. I can't do things when I'm blind, like read or go to school or play video games. Especially play video games. Although, come to think of it, I don't really do that anymore because I quit WoW (say what?!?). I am, however, going through withdrawal and am this close to buying DragonAge for my mac.

Anyway, moving past my debilitating addiction, I honestly have nothing exciting to say. I could tell you about my day but that's boring, and only involves me being ill prepared for the rain, not being able to find my umbrella, stupidly not wearing my new rain boots OR a rain coat because "it doesn't look that bad out." IT IS. I just walked from Boylston to Arlington and got absolutely soaked. I then decided it was raining too hard, got on the T to Copley, and then had a fire alarm go off in my ears. Then I walked to Borders and that's where I currently am. Why am I in Borders, you ask? Why are you not in the library at Emerson? That's obviously far closer. Well, I would reply, if you had asked me this question and it was not just me talking to myself, I am at Borders because every Emerson student has decided that studying in the library is better than studying in their freakin dorm rooms, which, may I point out, are at most 50 feet down the sidewalk. Anyway, there was no where for me to sit, so I was prompted to make a bad decision and walk halfway to Borders.

Today, I was also shown this:

If you are still with me after that, than you deserve a cookie. You are allowed to say WTF. You'll still get a cookie. No, I don't understand it either. But damn it all if it isn't stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

Here are some other random things:

1. An Animal Machine Hybrid. Fo' realz.

Watch out, human robot hybrids are around the corner. Isn't this terrifying?

2. And While We're on the Subject of Robots....

That, my friends, is an autonomous robot guarding nukes in Nevada. Autonomous meaning NO ONE CONTROLS IT. Again, we are coming ever closer to a robot take over.

3. Coffee is a miracle drink

No, I have no article or anything to back this up, other than the fact I just had a cup and I FEEL INVINCIBLE. It's amazing how drinking coffee gives me superpowers. It also makes me feel like maybe I'm not going to drown in photo chemicals later this semester. In other words, my photography project is becoming increasingly lame, and coffee makes me feel like I can fix it. I must buy more coffee.

And that's it. I would try and find more awesome things for you to look at and therefore continue let you continue to rot your brain by staring at a computer screen, but I have other productive things to do. Like go to class and discuss a manuscript about frat guys that like drinking fruity margaritas. Well, that's not all it's about. But do guys seriously do that?

I didn't think so.